Saturday 18 October 2008

Hi I am new to this website!

Hello my name is Tanya and I am 17 years of age.
I have always dreamed of having a blog website like this, just so I could share my fashion worldwide but I always thought you had to pay for websites like these. Luckily enough, I came across blogger on google and I am really excited to get blogging away. Please leave comments on my blog and give negative and postive comments to guide me into fashion because I am just learning.

Much love


sian victoria said...

Amazing to see you have been blogging this whole time. I started in 2010, but ended up deleting a lot of posts which I now regret lol. Great blog, admire your dedication! :)

Sian x

Tanya said...

@sian victoria: That is amazing that you started in 2010. Try not to regret it- see it as a positive that you were able to start again and pick up where you left of from. And thank you so much. It has been hard-sometimes I stopped blogging and felt like quitting but I am glad for companies encouraging me to get back into it.

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